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I have just joined the forum, know Steve for his great videos and his book for AF Nikon mirrorless that helped me a lot to use at best my Z7
I m Antonio and I live in this beautiful city
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Absolutely stunning! I haven't been to Italy since the late '70s. Your shot is the very mental image -- those ruins from that angle -- that comes to mind when I recall your beautiful city (and country).
Thank you so much for your pleasant comments.
In topic with the post I take the chance to show you another very famous view of Rome
The Spanish steps with the Fountain of the longboat
The Forum and the Spanish Steps are both very famous spots with biilions of photos taken there, nothing new, I have tried to do my best.
Here with Z7 and 14-30 a great combo
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Thank you!
I was there before sunrise about 6.00 am, furthermore that day was the Saturday just before the first lockdown in Italy, that happened the following Monday, so very few people were going around.
Welcome Antonio. Simply stunning, just reinforces how landscapes as a photographic theme provides an avenue and in this case a forum for such great, evocative images.