rookie mistake don't turn HDR on

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Yesterday I experienced the consequence of a rookie mistake with camera settings.

Ever since Lightroom came out with interesting new high dynamic range features I have been fascinated by the beauty and intensity of some of those images..

So the other day I was messing around with one of my Z9's and I decided to turn HDR on for the camera.

I did not realize that setting causes the camera to take multiple images in the same frame.

I was out yesterday on a beautiful day. there were literally many thousands of birds and there was a lot to see and shoot.

I knew the camera was not working as usual because I sounded different. I also saw HDR A in the viewfinder.

I took a look at what I shot and pretty much every image I took is double exposed.

It was still a great day and I had lots of fun,. I now know what I did wrong, I can now see it immediately and stop it and I will never make that mistake again.

I am sure we have all done something like this at one point or another. The Z8 and Z9 are quite complex and it is easy to stumble into something that has unintended consequences.
I’ve incorporated a routine which I use before and after each day of shooting: I load my personal default settings into the camera. It helps me avoid surprises from my occasional experimentation with menu settings.