Rumoured AF updates to Nikon Z6 ii and Z7 ii

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I hope this will bring the Z6 / Z7 II upto Canon's R5/R6.

To me that's the key point really. R5/R6 do not have stacked sensors either but they have the very best performance one can squeeze out of non-stacked mirrorless. And Canon got there in less time than Nikon has had (because candidly the first Canon R is no star - the original Z6/7 ran circles all around it).
Can Nikon close all of the gap, part of the gap or will they miss some of the critical firmware features like animal eye AF and subject identification / tracking that make the R5/6 so compelling despite some of their limitations (EVF refresh, overheating etc...) ?

There is no way they can bridge all the way to A1 or A9ii type of performance with the hardware they have in the Z6/7ii - and the R5 is not doing that either btw (hence price differences and some real differences in EVF performance) so I don't know why anybody would expect the Z7ii to operate at that level.

But if they can bridge the Z7ii to R5 performance (and supply lenses too... that would be nice), it will be the bargain of the decade (just like the D850 was for the past few years and why many Nikon shooters have been so disappointed up to now).
To me that's the key point really. R5/R6 do not have stacked sensors either but they have the very best performance one can squeeze out of non-stacked mirrorless. And Canon got there in less time than Nikon has had (because candidly the first Canon R is no star - the original Z6/7 ran circles all around it).
I had the original Canon R Yes it was a dog, the Z6/Z7 were (are) much better cameras. Canon upped their game with the R5/R6 and NIkon upgraded to the Z6/Z7 to what it should have been initially and then fell asleep (again). 💤
As I see it I have 3 choices. One is to change brand and go all in mirrorless. As I am eagerly awaiting the Z9 and I seriously considering buying one and adopt my 500 f4 E, but I have to admit I really like my Z6 ii and it does well with 90% of what I shoot. Yes I get frustrated sometimes shooting really fast action, but most of the time the Z6 ii and get along nicely. And I think it’s really at a sweet spot coming to resolution and high ISO performance for my usage. So now another thought has got in my head. If this firmware update is significant enough for my use I might as well put the money I have saved up for the Z9 into one of the coming Z telephoto primes. Preferably a 400mm 2.8 as I shoot alot in low light conditions. I think I would rather put my money into glass as I really dislike adopting lenses with the ftz adapter.

Exciting times ahead and it’s not easy figuring out what the best path for me and my photography is. All I’m sure of is that in 7 years time I’m all mirrorless.
This would be great news, but what I would like to see are improvements in auto focus for low contrast conditions. When photographing macro (or near macro) photography where the contrast is low my Z6 II or Z7 II often locks on to the background and not the subject and I have a hard time reacquiring the main subject.
I don't know much about the A1 or R3, but are we really comparing apples to apples when we compare a Z6II or Z7II to those competitors, even if the new firmware update significantly improves tracking? I'm not sure the Z6/Z7 series were ever intended to compete with those cameras?
I think Nikon have everything going for them in terms of ergos , color lenses and camera design when it comes to z series.. if they make the autofocus as good as canon R5, R6 (non stacked sensors) that is giving sony A1 a run for its money in CAF dept, then, half the battle is won
Committing to Z7 ii as I will get benefit from full frame and total system price £2K less than Canon (and even cheaper vis a vis A1) with great glass. I will keep my D500 and expect a level of improvement in Nikon AF that will satisfy me for also using Z7 ii for wildlife, come September. Having followed the FF mirrorless saga over last year plus, I expect to be happy with my choice and I can get going now with it. Hurray! Flagship levels of expenditure and related glass not for me - well done for those who’re on that track - and there is no great benefit in waiting for a new intermediate model (Z8 or whatever) as the wait is very long and uncertain. I enjoyed using a rented Z6ii in May ……
I had set July 23 as the date to buy a SONY A1. But alas Nikon is a no show.

The A1 is far more than I need. If the new firmware makes the ZII cameras competitive with Canon and SONY …. AND also fixes the issue with poor FTZ performance, I will stay with Nikon and likely get the Z7ii or maybe both the 7 and 6.

So yes indeed Nikon’s FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) propaganda of mystical autofocus firmware captured me for another month or two. I hope it is not a scam.

But then it is time for me to SOGOTP.
The level of expectation that's being put on Nikon's next firmware update is quite high. We don't even know if it's a full point release (although I speculate it could be a 2.0 release). We're currently only at 1.21 with the Z mark II's, not even out a full year yet. NIkon's still tweaking the original Z's.

Personally I'm not expecting September's fw update to instantly match tracking performance of Canon's R5/6, but hey maybe I'm in for a pleasant surprise. I'm also not comparing the currently available Z models to other cameras that cost 2x or 3x as much - that's just not apples to apples. When the Z9 and the R3 are in the public's hands and tested in real-world scenarios, then we can go down the A1 comparison road. Z6/7 to the R5/6, that's fair.

The thing to remember about Nikon - they do things on their own schedule and they play a longer game. If that's not ok for your needs, it's totally fine to move to C or S. We have more options now than at any other time in history. All of these systems are amazing and they all have their strengths, and weaknesses.

Honestly, I'm super happy where the Nikon Z mark II's are right now. I've never had more keepers in my life - macro, telephoto, and everything in between. Eye AF is incredible (certainly for humans, decent for dogs & cats & even some wildlife). Any improvements from here - for me - is just icing on the cake.
Hope Nikon can pull this one off. Unfortunately firmware is given away, not sold,so Nikon has limited incentive to upgrade it. Perhaps they could create a Z6/7 IIs. If the s model had a real AF improvement, perhaps hardware improvement, I would be interested in upgrading Z7 II to the s model, depending up on cost.
On the other hand Nikon needs to make the Z autofocus more competitive with Canon and SONY for high speed action shooters. I enjoy wildlife photography and live in Delaware. In Delaware wildlife photography means birds. For BIF Nikon's current Z camera autofocus is not competitive with similar offerings from Canon and SONY. Right now, without better AF performance for BIF with the Z6II and Z7II Nikon's potential solution is wait a year or more to spend $6500 or $7000 for the Z9. Oh yeah, you should also plan to buy the new mirrorless lenses since the FTZ has some issues with your F mount lenses.
I think the rumoured firmware update is needed to prevent Nikon shooters like me from going elsewhere.
The level of expectation that's being put on Nikon's next firmware update is quite high. We don't even know if it's a full point release (although I speculate it could be a 2.0 release). We're currently only at 1.21 with the Z mark II's, not even out a full year yet. NIkon's still tweaking the original Z's.

Personally I'm not expecting September's fw update to instantly match tracking performance of Canon's R5/6, but hey maybe I'm in for a pleasant surprise. I'm also not comparing the currently available Z models to other cameras that cost 2x or 3x as much - that's just not apples to apples. When the Z9 and the R3 are in the public's hands and tested in real-world scenarios, then we can go down the A1 comparison road. Z6/7 to the R5/6, that's fair.

The thing to remember about Nikon - they do things on their own schedule and they play a longer game. If that's not ok for your needs, it's totally fine to move to C or S. We have more options now than at any other time in history. All of these systems are amazing and they all have their strengths, and weaknesses.

Honestly, I'm super happy where the Nikon Z mark II's are right now. I've never had more keepers in my life - macro, telephoto, and everything in between. Eye AF is incredible (certainly for humans, decent for dogs & cats & even some wildlife). Any improvements from here - for me - is just icing on the cake.
I'm glad you are happy with your Z mark ii's performance. That is encouraging, but I am curious if you are using mirrorless lenes or using the FTZ adapter. Could you let us know? Thanks
I'm glad you are happy with your Z mark ii's performance. That is encouraging, but I am curious if you are using mirrorless lenes or using the FTZ adapter. Could you let us know? Thanks
Mostly Z lenses, and on the FTZ I still use the AF-P 70-300 4.5-5.6E, and 200-500 5.6. The 70-300 is super fast & quiet on the FTZ, and the 200-500 AF speed is essentially the same as on an F body (Steve posted some Z / F comparisons on a few F lenses a while back).

From what I've seen, some F lenses do not perform as well on the FTZ. But the two mentioned above are fantastic.
Mostly Z lenses, and on the FTZ I still use the AF-P 70-300 4.5-5.6E, and 200-500 5.6. The 70-300 is super fast & quiet on the FTZ, and the 200-500 AF speed is essentially the same as on an F body (Steve posted some Z / F comparisons on a few F lenses a while back).

From what I've seen, some F lenses do not perform as well on the FTZ. But the two mentioned above are fantastic.
Thanks for the info. I think I am cursed with a couple that do not perform as well
Just think, 30 FPS means 3 x more images to sort .. Your disk space gets consumed 3 times faster, ...
That’s a valid point and something to really think of. 30 fps and maybe around 50 mp would probably mean that I would have to upgrade my macbook pro also…

Well as it seems, I will not be able to upgrade my camera to the Z9 anytime soon. My partner in life dropped a bomb this weekend and left me. I have been on sickleave most of this year due to a fractured shoulder and I got burned out, so it’s been a challenging year so far… Now a new life as a single dad to two daughters and a mortgage on the house, that is the house I grew up in and I would like to keep it in the family still. Life sure doesn’t go as planned and my photography carreer will take a second place in life as I must have my daytime job to make the ends meet.

Sorry for the derail. Now it seems that I really must cross fingers for this update to be a conciderable and I do believe that Nikon really need to get some positivity around the Z cameras too. I think there is a lot at stake for Nikon with this update…
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That’s a valid point and something to really think of. 30 fps and maybe around 50 mp would probably mean that I would have to upgrade my macbook pro also…

Well as it seems, I will not be able to upgrade my camera to the Z9 anytime soon. My partner in life dropped a bomb this weekend and left me. I have been on sickleave most of this year due to a fractured shoulder and I got burned out, so it’s been a challenging year so far… Now a new life as a single dad to two daughters and a mortgage on the house, that is the house I grew up in and I would like to keep it in the family still. Life sure doesn’t go as planned and my photography carreer will take a second place in life as I must have my daytime job to make the ends meet.

Sorry for the derail. Now it seems that I really must cross fingers for this update to be a conciderable and I do believe that Nikon really need to get some positivity around the Z cameras too. I think there is a lot at stake for Nikon with this update…

Best to you as you figure out a way to navigate your new situation... The older one gets, the more we realize that this game of life is very unpredictable. The inanimate things we cherish and perceive to be important pale in comparison to those things that really matter.
While we all may want more from the tools we use, there is great value in taking a step back and learning how to make the most of the things we have. Walking away from future tech and investing time in the moment often unleashes a type creativity that might otherwise remain hidden.

take care,
Well as it seems, I will not be able to upgrade my camera to the Z9 anytime soon. My partner in life dropped a bomb this weekend and left me. I have been on sickleave most of this year due to a fractured shoulder and I got burned out, so it’s been a challenging year so far… Now a new life as a single dad to two daughters and a mortgage on the house, that is the house I grew up in and I would like to keep it in the family still. Life sure doesn’t go as planned and my photography carreer will take a second place in life as I must have my daytime job to make the ends meet.
Best wishes to you and your daughters Kjellis.
Thanks for the info. I think I am cursed with a couple that do not perform as well
My goal is to replace the longer lenses with Z glass (the 200-500 is basically my wife's lens now :unsure::LOL:), no urgency though. The Z 100-400 S will likely be pricey, so it's last on my list. And again that 70-300 is just so good on the Z bodies. Amazing range & performance for what it costs.

I also have an older 18-200 VRII DX (a great superzoom for older DX bodies) that definitely isn't good on the FTZ (loud & slow).
That’s a valid point and something to really think of. 30 fps and maybe around 50 mp would probably mean that I would have to upgrade my macbook pro also…

Well as it seems, I will not be able to upgrade my camera to the Z9 anytime soon. My partner in life dropped a bomb this weekend and left me. I have been on sickleave most of this year due to a fractured shoulder and I got burned out, so it’s been a challenging year so far… Now a new life as a single dad to two daughters and a mortgage on the house, that is the house I grew up in and I would like to keep it in the family still. Life sure doesn’t go as planned and my photography carreer will take a second place in life as I must have my daytime job to make the ends meet.

Sorry for the derail. Now it seems that I really must cross fingers for this update to be a conciderable and I do believe that Nikon really need to get some positivity around the Z cameras too. I think there is a lot at stake for Nikon with this update…
Sorry to hear about bad news. Good luck in new role as a single parent.
Well there’s not much news regarding the Zii‘s update… I think Nikon should give us a tease about this FW update and also the Z9. Canon has already started teasing a countdown to a major anouncement (the R3) and it would be nice if Nikon could give us something too…

As I have made a decission to take a pass on the Z9 and rather put my savings towards the coming Z 400mm I have really high hopes for this update as the Z6 ii would be my main camera for some years.

(For you that are wondering how my personal life is going I can happily tell that my partner is back! After a good talk we have worked things out and she is very supporting about my passion for photography. I am sorry for derailing from the thread with this)