Safari lens combination

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Once again, I come to this wise group for advice. I’m a retired antique cheapskate and shoot a D-500 as primary and D-7500 as secondary. My primary travel lens has been a Tamron 18-400 and I have been extremely pleased with the results and versatility of this lens, provided I stay a stop or two away from minimum aperture. In anticipation of a Tanzania safari next year, I added a Nikon 200-500 and am really blown away with that lens. The results from it got me thinking of adding a Nikon 17-55 which is another highly recommended lens, and possibly replace the 18-400 with the 17-55. Everyone recommends two camera bodies and to avoid changing lens while on safari. My question for the group is, would you recommend doing this and only taking the 17-55 and 200-500 on safari, since weight is an issue, giving up the 55-200 mm range that I would have if I stayed with my Tamron 18-400 and Nikon 200-500? How does the quality of the Nikon 17-55 compare to that portion of the Tamron 18-400 range? Thanks for your advice.