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I'm currently traveling along the Rio Grande Valley in the southern tip of Texas.
There are many excellent birding sites here.
One I visited yesterday is Salenino.
It is run by a couple that lives in Maine during the summer but live in their RV in Texas in the winter.
It is free to enter but donations are welcome.
It's a small area and the caretakers bait the birds with a peanut butter and suet mix and bird seeds.
I know there are those that disagree with this practice when birding but I'd like to avoid that debate in this thread.
There are three chairs set out to sit and view the great variety of beautiful and colorful birds that come to feed here.
Being new to birding, these were all lifers for me.

Audubon Oriole
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Green Jay
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Black-crested Titmouse
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Great Kiskadee
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Female Golden-fronted Woodpecker

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Altamira Oriole
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Nice shots and I like the way their natural environment is incorporated.
Thank you.
Yes, they do a nice job there.
Lovely shots! I feed birds all the time. You won't get any argument from me.
Thank you.
I was concerned about posting these pictures because I know how some feel about putting up feeding stations.
I hope no one was upset I posted these here.