Salmon Sandwich --- Grizzly with Chum Salmon, Nekite River, British Columbia

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Taken on a dull day from the river bank during the September Salmon run --- D850 with Nikon 400mm f2.8, ISO 1600, 1/320 sec. 24/09/18.
Must be magic to see and shoot. I think the overcast does wonders for the fur and fish!
It's always a privilege to be allowed into a wild animal's immediate environment, and know that you are not distracting them from their natural behaviour --- a great tribute to the guides who really know their "stuff" !
Love it! Funny how each bear has his own way...
Thanks gordon_g --- The other Grizzlies were following a more distinct pattern --- preferentially they looked for a female salmon, to get the eggs, if none were available then they went for the brains, and if all else failed they stripped off the skin. There were so many salmon there that they left the rest of the scavenged fish for the Bald Eagles . Maybe this guy couldn't make his mind up where to start !