Saltmarsh Sparrow

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These birds are habitat specialists but are currently on a steep decline due to rising sea levels and habitat loss. Unfortunately they have lost 87% of their population in the last 35 years and are at threat of extinction by 2050 without serious conservation efforts. Fortunately there is a thriving population in my parents hometown that happens to contain remnants of the large salt marshes that once lined the east cost from Maine to Georgia. I was fortunate enough to get some good looks, including a headshot close to MFD.

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These birds are habitat specialists but are currently on a steep decline due to rising sea levels and habitat loss. Unfortunately they have lost 87% of their population in the last 35 years and are at threat of extinction by 2050 without serious conservation efforts. Fortunately there is a thriving population in my parents hometown that happens to contain remnants of the large salt marshes that once lined the east cost from Maine to Georgia. I was fortunate enough to get some good looks, including a headshot close to MFD.

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View attachment 96743
Execellent! Thanks for the info. Well done👍👍👍