Sand Pipers in early light

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Supporting Member
Shot during first hour of the day. Tried to fill VF but some are larger crops. Ran thru Denoise after cropping and adjusting some sliders. Appreciate the c an c Thanks
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Nice images in great light.

I'd probably crop in a bit tighter on both images and in the second one on the beach I'd probably use the crop to shift the bird a bit further left and also flatten the effective horizon line a bit (slight clockwise rotation). I realize the image may have been actually level but the incoming wave line and the rotation in the bird's reflection make me feel like the image is a bit unstable and crooked. Maybe that's just me but I'd at least try a bit of rotation while cropping to see if it helps or makes the image feel too sterile and square.

I love the silky sheen off the wet beach, how that gives you the reflection and also like the moment you captured with the leg crossing over in front and the side lighting on the face. I might try a very slight touch of shadow recovery on the face but I like the mood of the strong side lighting so hard to say if that would help or hurt without trying it.