Sandhill Cranes

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If you have not yet seen the Sandhill Crane Migration through Nebraska in the Spring, I strongly urge you to get there soon. Somewhere around 800,000 Sandhill Cranes pass through this small stretch of the Platte River in Nebraska en route to their summer grounds way up north in Canada, Alaska and even
Siberia. While there are plenty of opportunities to photograph individual birds, the evening return to the
river and morning take-off are the main events.

This was our second year, and we did a mornming and an evening in the Photography blind at the Rowe Audubon Sanctuary. Over our three days in town, I captured over 9400 images - shooting from before sunrise i nthe morning to after sunset in the evening because you never know how many birds will be in front of you, nor do you know when they will arrive and leave.

After review, I kept around 200 uniques images. Here are seven images, in no particular order, that give a flavor of the event.

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