SanDisk 512GB Extreme PRO CFexpress Card Type B $149.99

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Note for everyone, they run real hot.

Angelbird has 512 gig cards that are cooler and a bit cheaper, and have a higher sustained write (which I use).

I imagine delkin does as well.
I really wanted to like the Angelbird cards but 1 of the 2 I purchased has the black plastic around the outside of the card breaking apart. One piece of it got wedged in the corner of the card slot on the Z9 and the card would no longer stay locked in. Once I determined the issue, it took a lot of patience to get it removed. I also did not realize you have to activate the warranty within 30 days of receiving to get a 3 year warranty. Many companies, like Sandisk offer lifetime warranties. I have heard the Sandisk cards run hot, but haven’t used them myself. I have opted to use Delkin CFE cards.
count me in the camp to avoid the sandisk and old lexars that are known to run hot. i’m not inclined toward angelbird, but i’d go that way over the sandisk, but in reality if i could do anything i’d slant towards delkin power or similar