Satin Bowerbird

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Robert S

Well-known member
Satin bowerbird male PP14- resize.jpg
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O'Reilly's  12 21 -2240-DeNoiseAI-standard Photoshop 1 resize.jpg
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Satin bowerbird PP5-6176 resize.jpg
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Satin bowerbird on change PP1- resize.jpg
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The eyes are interesting. The last photo of the original post may be a Green Bird in the process of changing into a mature male. Had one visit a few days back but didn't get a photo. Got me interested enough to go through old photos of Satins.

Some more eyes:

O'Reilly's  12 21 -2198-DeNoiseAI-standard resize.jpg
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Satin bowerbird PP3- resize.jpg
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O'Reilly's  Satin bower male 2      12 21 -2454-DeNoiseAI-standard resize.jpg
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10 01 21 Various-2-DeNoiseAI-denoise resize.jpg
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