Savannah Sprinters --- Cheetah in Namibia.

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Beautiful cats, perfectly adapted to running down their prey in open spaces --- streamlined like a greyhound and extremely supple to rapidly twist and turn in mid stride. These shots were taken in Okonjima Nature Reserve, Namibia. This reserve was set up in 1991 by the Africat Foundation, whose mission is to promote the long term conservation of Namibia's large carnivores, particularly, Cheetah, Leopard and now Lions as well.

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The classic Cheetah "pose" --- standing tall on a convenient ant hill, surveying the countryside for prey and/or danger. Taken with the D60 and an 18-55mm lens @ 55mm, ISO 100, f6.3 1/160 Sec., handheld from a Land Rover in 2009.

Since its inception, Africat has rescued more than 1000 animals, returning over 85% to the wild. It now cares for animals that cannot be released and works with rural communities to reduce carnivore conflict.
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These guys do wonderful work, I first visited here back in '93. I understand the facilities are much improved from back then.

Well done David. (y)
Hi Marc, yes I was very impressed by their setup and the dedication they showed in a transparent and enthusiastic manner--totally committed, and now more important than ever before !!
It's heart-warming to know someone cares enough to help these Stunning Creatures.
Nice shooting
Thanks Robin, yes indeed, I only wish that that this type of conservation was more widespread worldwide and underwritten by the countries involved.
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