Scally Breasted missing

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Robert S

Well-known member
I have many Scally Breasted Lorikeets visit. One pair is particularly friendly. Not sure which is the male or female. One has a damaged beak and the other a damaged left eye. No idea how the injuries occurred but at a guess it was in the last three months. The one with the damaged eye was very trusting. On occasion it would fly around me demanding food.
It appears the bird with the damaged eye has succumbed to its injury. The one with the damaged beak comes alone.
It seems lorikeets mate for life, as do many other Australian 'parrots'. Will be interesting to see how long the bird with the damaged beak continues to visit for food.

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Thanks for the post Manglo. Last time I was in Germany was in the early 70's. Had two weeks checking out coal mines in the Saar-Lorraine coalfield. Lots of fun. Enjoyed the food.
It's back from the dead. Just when you think you know something you find out you got it all wrong. The pair turned up together today. Whatever 'Damaged Eye' has been up to it is now full of life.
Got some photos but nothing much good. It was too fluttery.

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