Seeking AF advice for photographing Wild Horses of the Carmargue, France

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Hello, my first post and my 1st opportunity to shoot these magnificent animals. If you’ve done it, please let me know if Animal detection worked for you and which AF area mode worked well. Is wide large with animal detection a good place to start? Not sure AF Auto would work when there are several horses coming at you. Thank you in advance:)
Welcome Rachel,

The last time I visited the Camarque I was using a DSLR and I used eventually Single point AF. (Started with group AF)
The Camarque is flat with wide open spaces, so if you stay low the horses or black bulls stick out and AF is very ease acquired.
With current camera’s I’d use Animal eye AF, but I’m almost certain every Mode will do the trick.

Some tips:
If you don’t own one buy or borrow a Polarizer, much reflections overthere! and since you’ll have plenty of light it won’t harm your ss much.
Be alert for heat distortion and don’t try to shoot over longer distances, the early morning is the best time to go out for photography. (After 11 it will be a lotery to get good images)

Stay covered by your clothing, use repellant (be carefull with your gear, some repellants will ruin the rubber parts)
Use a cap or hat, it can be desertlike hot overthere and you don’t want to get skincancer.
There are some poisonous snakes over there but since the temps are high they will be gone most of of the time so encounters are rare but in the early morning.
Always carry a waterbottle (an insulated one is best)
Then don’t forget to visit Aigues-Mortes if you love ancient (13th century) culture.
If you like bull fights but not so much the animals be killed, you can attend one overthere, the fights are not lethal for the animals. (Personally I still don’t like the fights whether lethal or not)
Keep an eye out for the black bulls, normally they’re friendly, but bulls can be very dangerous.
Have a good time!

Btw when are you planning to go there? Best time to go there is April, best light, most of the time reasonable temps and cherry on the pie vast groups of migratory birds!
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