Sensor cleaning

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In Steve's latest book about the Z8 and z9, he talks about the automatic sensor cleaning capability of the camera. He mentions that it's best to use the manual clean with the lens removed and the camera pointed down so that dust drops out of the camera rather than into the back of the lens. On the Z8/Z9 I believe he also recommended that we enable the sensor shield when the lens is removed. So by implication does Steve mean to turn that off during the sensor manual cleaning so that so that any dust would fall out of the camera rather than on to the back of the sensor shield?
I would interpret his advice to open the sensor shield and hold the body face down while doing the cleaning. Once done shut the shield and go back to normal operation.
I would have to guess based on cameras in general the shield will be open while the sensor is shaking during the 'cleaning' I bet you could take the lens off and watch it.