Sensor spots on Z9

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Well-known member
Normally I shoot wildlife/macro with aperture f/1.8 - f/8 and haven't noticed sensor spots.

I have started photographing water drops and here I use f/22 - and a lot af sensor spots have showed up. I have wet-cleaned the sensor a couple of times with Visible Dust swaps and the spots do not disappear.

What is your experience when shooting with f/22 - do you see sensor spots as I do?

Can the spots be anything than dust?

I will send the camera to the Nikon dealer to have it cleaned there - wonder if it helps.....

(NB. The spots are NOT water drops).

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If you totally defocus, maybe against a clear blue sky, are the spots still there? Are they still there with a different lens, exact same spot? In other words have you confirmed they are not on the lens?
If you totally defocus, maybe against a clear blue sky, are the spots still there? Are they still there with a different lens, exact same spot? In other words have you confirmed they are not on the lens?
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For further confirmation, try that lens on a different body. I’ve dealt with stubborn dust on the sensor before. It took a 3rd try with a sterile sensor cleaning brush to remove the particles. 😕