Sensor Technology - Discussion

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@Nimi do you have any idea why the cine sensors are achieving the higher dynamic range? i wonder if they are giving something up, or perhaps it’s a cost per sensor issue that don’t make sense in stills cameras?
@Nimi do you have any idea why the cine sensors are achieving the higher dynamic range? i wonder if they are giving something up, or perhaps it’s a cost per sensor issue that don’t make sense in stills cameras?
Until the recent Red sensor, it was lower MP and higher cost. The new one is global shutter, FF, 8k low noise, high readout, high DR and I am told great color. And expensive. Cine never needed megapixels, but now they're after it and lenses are being introduced daily to address the higher resolutions.

Sony does not have a sensor like this in the market yet, and both the Venice II and Burano are lower res. We'll see what they do next and since they are the only one that sells sensors to third parties, both cine and hybrid, that's when we'll see whether improvements are coming. So watch for news on the FX6ii, FX3ii, maybe Venice iii.
Until the recent Red sensor, it was lower MP and higher cost. The new one is global shutter, FF, 8k low noise, high readout, high DR and I am told great color. And expensive. Cine never needed megapixels, but now they're after it and lenses are being introduced daily to address the higher resolutions.

Sony does not have a sensor like this in the market yet, and both the Venice II and Burano are lower res. We'll see what they do next and since they are the only one that sells sensors to third parties, both cine and hybrid, that's when we'll see whether improvements are coming. So watch for news on the FX6ii, FX3ii, maybe Venice iii.
Who is making the Sensors for RED?
Until Nikon will create their own…
Maybe not. Nikon’s strength is in optics. Sony should have the funding for these kind of R&D
I don't see Nikon making their own, ever. The low-single-digit nano CMOS fab is for the big boys. But you always have to wonder whether someone like Onsemi (sensors behind Arri, the most dominant cinema camera) or whomever makes it for Red would develop a low-cost sensor for hybrid cameras. The gating item in addition to cost is heat management which is actively controlled in cinema cameras.
Regarding RED’s newest sensor, being global shutter, high MP, human-like dynamic range.

For us to see it in a mirrorless camera body, would probably send the price to mars, and the body double its size?
Regarding RED’s newest sensor, being global shutter, high MP, human-like dynamic range.

For us to see it in a mirrorless camera body, would probably send the price to mars, and the body double its size?
The new Red Raptor 8k [X] is twice the weight and about 60% bigger in size than a Z9. But much of that is because of the necessary connectors that come out of it. The Red Kommodo, which also has a global shutter, 6k sensor and costs $10k is smaller and lighter than the Z9. It will probably get an upgraded sensor in 2025.

My bet is that Sony could miniaturize it further to squeeze it into a Z9-like body. They recently introduced a "baby" Venice called the Burano that's half the weight, half the price, similar specs to their flagship.
The new Red Raptor 8k [X] is twice the weight and about 60% bigger in size than a Z9. But much of that is because of the necessary connectors that come out of it. The Red Kommodo, which also has a global shutter, 6k sensor and costs $10k is smaller and lighter than the Z9. It will probably get an upgraded sensor in 2025.

My bet is that Sony could miniaturize it further to squeeze it into a Z9-like body. They recently introduced a "baby" Venice called the Burano that's half the weight, half the price, similar specs to their flagship.
What about heat management?
Was Canon’s idea to add a fan successful?
What about heat management?
Was Canon’s idea to add a fan successful?
You mean in the R5C? It doesn't overheat and the presence of the fan allowed them to push the video specs. For example, it has two stops more dynamic range than the R5. It's probably the best video camera on the market under $4,000 and it's about to be updated. The thing about the R5C, it has an RF mount which isn't very popular among videoagraphers (mostly because of the still very popular FD lenses). I am spending two days with Canon next week to try out some of these cameras and maybe they'll bring out an R5Cii. Sony implemented a fan in the FX3 (which I own and love) which is very good too.

But I have to tell you, for the solo shooter, I've yet to use a camera I like more than the Z9 which never overheated for me even in the most extreme conditions.
My last Sony video camera was their - then new - EX-1…

To be frank, I like the Z30 video as it is for events. But, I’m not doing real videography work.

I love your knowledge though.

Truth is, most of the time we don’t utilize the full dynamic range. Unless it’s a sunrise/sunset situation.

What I would love to see, each set of pixels should use different metering and ISO levels.
My last Sony video camera was their - then new - EX-1…

To be frank, I like the Z30 video as it is for events. But, I’m not doing real videography work.

I love your knowledge though.

Truth is, most of the time we don’t utilize the full dynamic range. Unless it’s a sunrise/sunset situation.

What I would love to see, each set of pixels should use different metering and ISO levels.

Canon showcased that a year ago on a 1in sensor. They bin pixels into 750 "regions" and essentially change the ISO for each region. 24 stops of DR...

Dynamic range in video is really only relevant if you shoot LOG OR RAW/PRORES and grade. If you shoot a profile, you get great footage without those extra stops.

I hear great things about the Z30, especially the colors. Have yet to try.