Serengeti 2024

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Anjin San

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Well…since we've had a bunch of Africa shots posted lately by Steve and others…I figure I ought to go ahead and post a few of my favorites. Most of them are of the same actual individual animals that Steve posted in his which isn't surprising since he was in the same 2 vehicles as I was…and I see we both liked the same pose of the caracal and male lion…

Licking it's chops after it finished eating a bird…we just barely missed the catch.

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This Serval walked by us just as we left camp one morning…and it was almost dark so I was surprised it turned out as well as it did.

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We stopped in front of the pride containing this male and female and got nicely backlit shots of them…unfortunately we couldn't get the rainbow and the rim light at the same time.

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Almost sunset for this one…shot at 840mm IIRC with the 600PF and 1.4TC and down in the 1/50 shutter speed range. Good thing he wasn't moving much and we had beanbags in the vehicle. I like the fact that his tongue has a little motion blur in it.

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I had such a great time I signed up for the trip to Botswana next August although I figured beforehand that Africa would be a one and done for me due to the price…but at 70 Connie told me to go ahead and go again so I did. For those who haven't been on a workshop with Steve and Rose…I highly recommend them. You see a lot of comments from participants in other workshops that the leader almost seemed more interested in their shots than the clients and that's definitely not the case with them…he says as they all do in the brochure that client shots are the most important but they at least completely backup their statement.

Thanks to both of you…wonderful trip.
Second batch…since only 8 fit in a post. And yeah…again a lot of the same individual critters.

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Like him…I'm seriously thinking of getting print of this one.

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Really strangely shaped tusk on this elephant…we had the entire herd cross the road around our two vehicles close enough that 100mm was too much lens for a whole elephant shot.

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Well…since we've had a bunch of Africa shots posted lately by Steve and others…I figure I ought to go ahead and post a few of my favorites. Most of them are of the same actual individual animals that Steve posted in his which isn't surprising since he was in the same 2 vehicles as I was…and I see we both liked the same pose of the caracal and male lion…

Licking it's chops after it finished eating a bird…we just barely missed the catch.

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This Serval walked by us just as we left camp one morning…and it was almost dark so I was surprised it turned out as well as it did.

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We stopped in front of the pride containing this male and female and got nicely backlit shots of them…unfortunately we couldn't get the rainbow and the rim light at the same time.

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Almost sunset for this one…shot at 840mm IIRC with the 600PF and 1.4TC and down in the 1/50 shutter speed range. Good thing he wasn't moving much and we had beanbags in the vehicle. I like the fact that his tongue has a little motion blur in it.

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I had such a great time I signed up for the trip to Botswana next August although I figured beforehand that Africa would be a one and done for me due to the price…but at 70 Connie told me to go ahead and go again so I did. For those who haven't been on a workshop with Steve and Rose…I highly recommend them. You see a lot of comments from participants in other workshops that the leader almost seemed more interested in their shots than the clients and that's definitely not the case with them…he says as they all do in the brochure that client shots are the most important but they at least completely backup their statement.

Thanks to both of you…wonderful trip.
Really great set of images. Africa can really get in your blood - headed back in a couple of weeks for my 7th trip.
Thanks all…it definitely convinced me to spend the $25Kmormsominclusingnairfare to go back to Botswana. I’ve got another batch from CR to put up as well. I guess it isn’t really surprising that some of these are eerily similar to Steve’s…but we were sitting 6 feet a
art so that explains it. The cracal was snacking on a bird and I think if we had gotten there 2 minutes earlier we would have had the hunt as well We thought we would see the baby wildebeest with no herd or mother get taken by the pack of hyenas…I was the only person in the truck on Team Hyena…but they left it lone. My guess was that they were full from eating the mother we found the remains of earlier and I think the hyena with the vines got it from her as well as it was in about the same location. Our driver said he had been doing safari drives for 19 years and could count the number of caracals he had seen on less than 2 hands and maybe 2 minutes total…we were with that one and its mate over a half hour.