Shelter on the Szrenica mountain

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It was unreable...

All day was cloudy and foggy - no chance for a light. I decided hiking only for a walk. After two hours I and my friend reach the top (Labski Szczyt). Temperature about -30 C, Wind 30 mph, visibility...Zero.
We are wait about one hour, no chance.
Water in our bags are frozen, food too.
Grease in our lenses and tripods are hardened. All 3 batteries in my friend Nikon D300s not worked.
But my nikon D2Xs worked!
Only display was work very slow.

After one hour we decided to go down.
Suddenly all clouds are melted!
We saw...this!
Only for a moment...2-3 minutes after - zero visibility...

My nikon D2Xs after:

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