Shining Flycatcher

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So this is a photo of a beautiful bird called Shining Flycatcher that lives around the island of New Guinea and northern Australia. I have taken this photo in some mangrove forests in the island of Waigeo, Raja Ampat.
I did the normal Lightroom adjustments and crop it a bit for better composition.
I really like the bird and posture, but the background is difficult, and I tried to make it more brighter in post but I am not sure.

Shining Flycatcher - Myiagra alecto

Shining Flycatcher 1849.jpg
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Usually the viewer's eye goes to the lightest area of a photo, but with a sharp, contrasting, bright blue bird the eye goes to the bird... so yes, the background works.
Thanks. It's a beautiful bird with a very interesting behavior, fluffing It's feathers and moving in a almost robotic way.
I actually removed the branch in front of it in the final edit.