Shooting a stranded jellyfish at 30 frames per second!

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
It was a senior moment indeed. What was I thinking? (Not much: next time just press that Mode button, David!)

After an hour traipsing across Moreton Bay's tidal flats, I gave up trying to photograph our recently returned waders. It was time to track down something that wouldn't fly off; fortunately, I found the perfect prey — a stranded jellyfish!

In my excitement, the camera was left in BIF mode: pre-continuous raw at thirty frames per second. There was no way that this jellyfish was going to escape! Anyway, I needed to take a break and lie down on the beach for a while.

Jelly Blubber : Catostylus mosaicus
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Canon R5m2 | RF 200–800 | Skimmer Groundpod with Flexshooter
500 mm | ƒ/8 | 1/2500s | ISO 1600
30 frames/second | pre-continuous raw | ±5.5 metres (background 2 km)
DxO PR3 | LrC

Jelly Blubber : Catostylus mosaicus
Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Australia
