Shooting raptor from the balcony !

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Venkatesh VT

Well-known member
Supporting Member
We were lucky to spot two shikras today sitiing & flying around in the small jungle next to our apartment in the city from our 6th floor balcony & got few shots of one of the raptors

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Must be recently fledged so if you spot the parents you can probably predict its flight path and get even more great shots. Seems like you’ve got a great platform for flight shots, but I’m curious – I’d have expected some great kite shots from you but there’s nothing posted. Don’t you have kites in Hyderabad?
Must be recently fledged so if you spot the parents you can probably predict its flight path and get even more great shots. Seems like you’ve got a great platform for flight shots, but I’m curious – I’d have expected some great kite shots from you but there’s nothing posted. Don’t you have kites in Hyderabad?
We have three types of kites in Hyderbad,black,black shouldered & brahminy.Only black shouldered kites are seen near our place for a good shot.I will postsome picture asap
If your black shouldered kites are like ours they’re very special with the most stunning bright yellow eye. I’ve not got a shot yet that really shows the eye off so I’m looking forward to seeing what yours look like.