Shore Bird Project

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This is a collection of clips from a project I am working on to encourage community engagement in the protection of shorebird species in urban areas in Auckland, NZ. Kindly ensure the video playback quality is set to 4k (or even 8k if it has been processed by YouTube).

Very nice! Were all clips shot in log?
I thought the clip of the bird sitting in the grass looking back looked the best to my eye.
OK, that is interesting. It is 12 bit raw so it makes sense that it has the best quality. Interestingly the 8 bit stuff has not held up well, firstly to export from DVR and it took another hit from YouTube. There is probably a setting somewhere in the export from DVR which will preserve the file better. I will need to look into it further at some stage. There is always something else to learn with video!
OK, that is interesting. It is 12 bit raw so it makes sense that it has the best quality. Interestingly the 8 bit stuff has not held up well, firstly to export from DVR and it took another hit from YouTube. There is probably a setting somewhere in the export from DVR which will preserve the file better. I will need to look into it further at some stage. There is always something else to learn with video!
I thought it all was very good but that rear facing shot was just perfect to me