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Well-known member
Been heading to the foreshore a bit lately, quite enjoying shooting the shorebirds

Australian Pied Oystercatcher digging for tucker. Easiest way to tell these apart from the Oystercatcher in the US is the colour of the legs
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Red-capped Plover.... Smallest and most common beach nesting shorebird in Oz. Mega crop on this one so quality not so good but first time I seen one with the camera... and they're tiny!
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Whimbrel - Migratory from Alaska & Siberia spending summer in Oz
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Bar-tailed Godwit - Migratory from various placed in the northern hemisphere, summer in Oz. These hold the record for non-stop flight at 11000kms from Alaska to NZ in eight days.
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Red-necked Stint.... another mega crop, these little buggers are tiny! Australia's smallest migratory birds weighing about 30g and coming all the way from Siberia!
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Lovely images. Could you get close or is this the 400 + 2X TC?
Saw BTG at Wellington Point but further than your lovely catch!
Lovely images. Could you get close or is this the 400 + 2X TC?
Saw BTG at Wellington Point but further than your lovely catch!
I could have mate yes, when I've been going to the bay I've just been using the 200-500, i have added the 1.4 once but that day i didn't get much. I should give it a try and see what the IQ is like in that setting. Tides come back in favour in the next few days
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