Shy Eastern Golden Weaver Bird

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Happy to stand corrected re species...taken in Watamu on North Kenyan Coast, Surprising how difficult they're to catch as they do like diving into the foliage. Didn't have the best lens as I as travelling on a work trip. evening time on an overcast day and a tad noisy, Suspect I should have removed the polarising filter to gain a stop
D7500 18-140
iso 5600 140mm f5.6 1/640

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:rolleyes: Oh John, tut tut :eek: Golden Palm Weaver (ploceus bojeri). Eastern Golden weaver has a red eye as below... (hope you don't mind a pic post)
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Happy to stand corrected re species...taken in Watamu on North Kenyan Coast, Surprising how difficult they're to catch as they do like diving into the foliage. Didn't have the best lens as I as travelling on a work trip. evening time on an overcast day and a tad noisy, Suspect I should have removed the polarising filter to gain a stop
D7500 18-140
iso 5600 140mm f5.6 1/640

View attachment 9254
Cute and colourful,nice.
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