Small Fun-face Wild Orchids....

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ChengHai Yang

Active member
Supporting Member
I found those small wild orchids in my backyard, I don’t know it’s name, so I called them Fun-face wild orchid, anyone who knows it’s name please kindly let me know, thank you.
They were quite small, just less than 5mm in blossom.

This was taken by Nikon D7200, Nikkor micro 40mm, 1/8 f5.6, ISO 100. Handheld.
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...also, taken by Nikkor micro lens, handheld....
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This was taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/25 f/2.8 ISO 100 with helicoid focus extension tube at 125 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
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... also taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/25 f/2.8 ISO 100 with the combination of helicoid and Nikon PN-11 extension tube136 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
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... also taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/35 f/5.6 ISO 100 with the combination of helicoid and Nikon PN-11 extension tub 96 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
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I found those small wild orchids in my backyard, I don’t know it’s name, so I called them Fun-face wild orchid, anyone who knows it’s name please kindly let me know, thank you.
They were quite small, just less than 5mm in blossom.

This was taken by Nikon D7200, Nikkor micro 40mm, 1/8 f5.6, ISO 100. Handheld.
View attachment 9713

...also, taken by Nikkor micro lens, handheld....
View attachment 9714

This was taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/25 f/2.8 ISO 100 with helicoid focus extension tube at 125 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
View attachment 9715

... also taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/25 f/2.8 ISO 100 with the combination of helicoid and Nikon PN-11 extension tube136 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
View attachment 9716

... also taken by EL-Nikkor reversed lens 50mm, 1/35 f/5.6 ISO 100 with the combination of helicoid and Nikon PN-11 extension tub 96 shots on Velbon manual focus rail.
View attachment 9717