Snake road 4 of 4

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WARNING - if you don't like snakes, skip the post.
Racer - sometimes called black racer or blue racer. Their shiny black outer skin can reflect the blue cast of the sky after freshly molting.
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Rough Green Snake - these usually live in trees. On the ground in the dark understory, they look like they glow in the dark. However, as can be seen in the next photo, in the tree branches, they are nearly invisible. Non-venomous.
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Rough Green Snake - nearly invisible among tree branches and understory bushes.
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DaKay's Brown Snake. Non-venomous. This is a tiny snake. About the diameter of a pencil and these specimens were about 10 inches long (about 25cm).
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Head on view. I can't remember if this was the same snake as above or a different one. We saw several of these and I kind of lost track.
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