So...It happens eventually I guess...a swimming story and some ?'s

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My D5, 500PF and I decided to take swim in a muddy river today. As of now...about 2 hrs post...500PF is working save for a gritty MF ring. Who knows about the days ahead. My D5 is not...just a blinking batttery ico. I have it drying on an air cleaner...can't hurt. Surprising how dry it is inside...not dry enough I suppose. Any advice as to what to do from here? Does ins. cover this at all? I'm guessing not without a rider, but???? Is it worth getting a local eval to see if these are cleanable/recoverable? Any insight is appreciated. I suppose if you shoot long enough....
Ironically...not in the kayak...just the last few hundred feet of a hike and a muddy riverbank that didn't look that way. It was quite spectacular, aside from a strained quad...I'm ok. Might miss my next hockey game but that's about it.
Thanks are allowed to's just stuff.
Thank you! Yup...all good. Just frustrated, but could have been waaaay worse. Just had some minor shoulder surgery last Monday and I am supposed to keep chill for 4-6 weeks. Today was my first hike...fortunately...I didn't pull my subcu stitches and the Mepilex bandage + Vaseline kept it clean and dry. It could have really been a tire fire. I did a full somersault into that muddy sucker. Gear is just gear.
The horror story we all hear about and always hope it never happen to ourself, some are even convinced it shall never happen to them.
Anyway, all turned out to be “only” gear damage and would therefore bring it to the gear doctor. Just get the body and lens to a Nikon service center so you get it back in mint condition and enjoy it for the years to come (or upgrade to a lovely Z8 with the 600PF)
Standard homeowners insurance only covers theft, fire, flooding, etc. Not human factors. If your range oven is electric and can be set below 200F(preferably 150) put the camera in there overnight. If the oven has proof mode better yet. Set at 125 or so. Really nothing to lose.
Appreciate that! I'll be sticking with DSLR though...back to the D850 D500 combo for a while. I got the D5 in May for a cross-country camping trip and it eventually became my favorite. If I have to...I'll replace it.