soft focus with Nikon 200-500

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This morning I took shots of a Great Crested Flycatcher that just came out less than I had wished using 500mm at about 20 yards. 4 were completely not focused although the D750 indicated I was focused. Using single point AFC-C. 15 minutes later, I got in flight shots of an Egret with the same set up albeit at 200mm that were much sharper. I have read the secrets to Nikon autofocusing and it has helped immensely. I am frustrated that I haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong
Great Egret 8-18-20 2.jpg
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I opened in Sharpen AI, the default went to "Stabilize" to indicated what's Sharpen AI thought the problem was camera shake.

Sharpen gives a choice of "sharpen", "Stabilize" or "Focus" and based on the image problem, makes a suggestion.
Also, it looks like the bottom of the image (leaves) appear more sharp than the birds head.
Great Crested Flycatcher 8-18-20 2-2-sharpen-stabilize (2).jpg
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That's really odd. I want to say heat distortion, but it's too uneven. I also see a lot of movement, possibly from VR, maybe form camera shake. Have you ever had this happen before?
Looks to me like your single focus point was on the leaves below the bird, as someone else has already pointed out. How about using center-weighted focus and a smaller aperture? Surely, you had enough light to shoot at f/11?
Live and learn. I shot at 1/640s, so camera shake is an issue and at the end of the walk, I did notice the VR was off, dummy me. I bumped it up to 1/1000s for the egret which was sharp in flight. And to answer Rich, I had plenty of light, not a cloud in the sky.
I have tried to calibrate using various you tube videos, but have never been able to tell by my sample shots whether I was front or rear focused, so unfortunately that is where I left it. I just noticed this week that Steve had a calibration video out, So I guess I have a project in the morning.
I am really impressed with the sharpening that BobG did with the software.
thanks everyone that chimed in.
Live and learn. I shot at 1/640s, so camera shake is an issue and at the end of the walk, I did notice the VR was off, dummy me. I bumped it up to 1/1000s for the egret which was sharp in flight. And to answer Rich, I had plenty of light, not a cloud in the sky.
I have tried to calibrate using various you tube videos, but have never been able to tell by my sample shots whether I was front or rear focused, so unfortunately that is where I left it. I just noticed this week that Steve had a calibration video out, So I guess I have a project in the morning.
I am really impressed with the sharpening that BobG did with the software.
thanks everyone that chimed in.
Now that you know what the issue is, you may not have to calibrate. I leave the VR on all the time, unless on a tripod, regardless of shutter speed.
Live and learn. I shot at 1/640s, so camera shake is an issue and at the end of the walk, I did notice the VR was off, dummy me. I bumped it up to 1/1000s for the egret which was sharp in flight. And to answer Rich, I had plenty of light, not a cloud in the sky.
I have tried to calibrate using various you tube videos, but have never been able to tell by my sample shots whether I was front or rear focused, so unfortunately that is where I left it. I just noticed this week that Steve had a calibration video out, So I guess I have a project in the morning.
I am really impressed with the sharpening that BobG did with the software.
thanks everyone that chimed in.
Careful with calibration / tuning. I'd only do it if you see consistent front or back focusing - for something like this, it wouldn't help. I've seen more than a few lenses rendered soft because AF fine tuning was applied when it wasn't needed (or improperly applies). Anymore, unless I see an actual, consistent for tor back focus issue (it'll never be both), then I leave it alone.