Some bird videos from British Columbia (non-loons)

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As part of Jess/Connor's Loon Workshop, we would go see other rarities, like the three-toed and black-backed woodpeckers and pygmy owls, as well as some more common birds like avocets, red-necked grebes and yellow-headed blackbirds. The attached is a collection of videos of these various birds, shot with either my Z9/400mm lens or my Z8 and 800mm lens.

On Flickr:

On Youtube:
What wonderful footage this is, Ricardo! Grebes are one of my favourite waterbirds and your Grebe footage is simply outstanding! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

It's none of my business and I hope I'm not overstepping by suggesting this, but the quality of your clips are so good that I would encourage you to consider building them together into short, themed wildlife films which include ambient sounds and occasional music. If you're not into doing narration you could use written explanatory captions like others do. Once again, I apologize if I've overstepped.

Cheers, :)
As part of Jess/Connor's Loon Workshop, we would go see other rarities, like the three-toed and black-backed woodpeckers and pygmy owls, as well as some more common birds like avocets, red-necked grebes and yellow-headed blackbirds. The attached is a collection of videos of these various birds, shot with either my Z9/400mm lens or my Z8 and 800mm lens.

On Flickr:

On Youtube:
Very Cool👍👍👍
As part of Jess/Connor's Loon Workshop, we would go see other rarities, like the three-toed and black-backed woodpeckers and pygmy owls, as well as some more common birds like avocets, red-necked grebes and yellow-headed blackbirds. The attached is a collection of videos of these various birds, shot with either my Z9/400mm lens or my Z8 and 800mm lens.

On Flickr:

On Youtube:
Very nice collection of clips. I enjoyed watching them.
Was this workshop video oriented or photo, or both?
What wonderful footage this is, Ricardo! Grebes are one of my favourite waterbirds and your Grebe footage is simply outstanding! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

It's none of my business and I hope I'm not overstepping by suggesting this, but the quality of your clips are so good that I would encourage you to consider building them together into short, themed wildlife films which include ambient sounds and occasional music. If you're not into doing narration you could use written explanatory captions like others do. Once again, I apologize if I've overstepped.

Cheers, :)
Thanks for your kind comments Rudy! Not sure I am motivated enough to do a wildlife video as you suggest, mostly due to my laziness. But thanks for the suggestion, I will keep it in mind.
Very nice collection of clips. I enjoyed watching them.
Was this workshop video oriented or photo, or both?
Thanks Dave! This workshop was more photo oriented and I did take many photos and one of our guides (Jess) as well as a couple other participants did do some video. I have not been on a video oriented workshop, maybe I should look for one.