Some Kruger dawns

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Supporting Member
Old images, from 2007, and shot in jpeg too. The colour difference between gold and blue is due to WB settings.
D200 32198W.jpg
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D200 32195W.jpg
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D200 32189W.jpg
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D3OO #1 24166W.jpg
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D700 17391W.jpg
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I have it but to date haven't played with it because I have been getting satisfactory results from Denoise and Gigapixel. Maybe I should. As there are already a couple of topics discussing Denoise and Sharpen, it might pay to start a separate topic and see what comes up.
Guys, I am clueless. Never used those softwares, sorry. Nik filters; I use the free Google filters that were available, it is pure magic. I have used their Dfine2 for noise, but I normally try to get noise reduced by manipulating the BG.
@Yezdi ~ Thank you ~ Will have to study that thesaurus carefully or I will drown in the highfalutin words. :cool: ;)