Some lightning shots (a year of waiting)

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I've been wanting to get some lightning shots so I researched some of the advanced shutter releases out there.

I decided to pick up the Pluto trigger, mostly since it was one of the least expensive options. I've been waiting about a year and a half to get a decent lightning storm nearby.

I spent some of that time using the trigger here and there to get familiar with some of its functions. I got short notice on this storm, prepped the camera gear and went to the end of our driveway about a half mile away from our house. There is a decent clearing from a tornado a couple years ago.

The trigger mostly just worked. I just had to set the sensitivity of it. I took a shot in the dark for the camera settings...(it was also about 2am so there might be a joke there)

I used my D4 and a Tokina 11-20mm set at 20mm, it's a DX format lens that makes a large enough image circle to cover the FX from about 17-20mm. (this lens has been a great buy, we've gotten many stellar shots with it and it has more than paid for itself)

I opened the hatch of our car, setup the tripod, sat on the bumper held an umbrella over what I could and let 'er rip. There were a few *moments* where I was questioning my choice to be out there without giving much thought what was going to happen when ALL the rain got to me...

I got soaked, camera got a bit of water on it (probably WAY more than I imagine too!) And I learned a TON about what to do next time.

I'm not the biggest fan of sitting at my PC and editing so I usually just spend a few minutes making thing a little more pleasing. One shot that I KNEW was going to be overexposed ended up being the most dramatic of the bunch. I spent some time with it but couldn't get a look I like so I asked my girlfriend to take a shot at it. (she's been doing photography and working in photoshop for about 20 years)

And those are my fingers on the side, I jumped a good bit and apparently threw my arms about. I'll own up to that! I felt it added to the drama of the shot in the end so we left it in!

bolt edit1.jpg
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Very nice, I'm sill waiting for a thunderstorm with a lot of lightning to approach from a direction that allows for good composite images, so far all of them have been on the other side of one ridge or another -- a penalty for living in hilly country.