Some say they are ugly

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however I find they can be quite beautiful. Turkey Vultures.
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Great images, Jeff. Very nice, detailed close-ups.
I'm also in the camp of the ugly side. But even so I still take their photographs as well. Nothing as detailed as this, though.
Lovely images, Jeff; but I cannot say that the model will win any prizes for looks, and I love vultures! This guy, our marabou stork and your wood stork I think, must be the world's most ugly birds!;) And that said, sometimes, they give us nice poses, like here!
Lovely images, Jeff; but I cannot say that the model will win any prizes for looks, and I love vultures! This guy, our marabou stork and your wood stork I think, must be the world's most ugly birds!;) And that said, sometimes, they give us nice poses, like here!
Methinks the Lappet-faced Vulture is just as ugly as the Turkey Vulture. :)
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