Sony A1 FW 1.3, update to 1,35 ?

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I found a Sony A1 with the old firmware 1.3. I bought it and today I will get my first and maybe the only lens for it, the 300/2,8 with the teleconverters. I think this can replace one of my Fujis and the 200/2.. Weight savings... and more. I mostly shoot wildlife/birds.

I do understand that I should avoid update to firmware 2.0 or later. But maybe an update to 1.35 is good??? You Sony wildlife shooters please, what is your advise?
I think 1.3 was the one that people started to complain about AF compared to 1.2. If you'd found an A1 on 1.2 I'd say just leave it there.
But if already on 1.3 then I'd move to 1.32. Not sure about 1.35. No one really used the A1 on just had to update to it before moving to 2.0 (now 2.01 as 2.0 was pulled) so no one I heard actually kept it on 1.35.
2.01/2.02 is good FW but there is a risk of having BT/Wifi chip problems after the update. If you rely on those functions I'd stay on 1.3x. Also battery drain got a lot worse on 2.x so there is that issue to keep in mind.
I found a Sony A1 with the old firmware 1.3. I bought it and today I will get my first and maybe the only lens for it, the 300/2,8 with the teleconverters. I think this can replace one of my Fujis and the 200/2.. Weight savings... and more. I mostly shoot wildlife/birds.

I do understand that I should avoid update to firmware 2.0 or later. But maybe an update to 1.35 is good??? You Sony wildlife shooters please, what is your advise?
What arbitrage says above is good advice. (Boy, do I wish I could go back to fw1.2)
With fx 2.x you are potentially entering a bit of a lottery. Our group has 3 A1's all coupled with 200-600 lenses.
None of our cameras suffered the terrible wi-fi issue that occured with some cameras at fw2.00
1 of the cameras suffered from the 200-600 severe operability issue. The other two didnt. (Sony fixed this with fw2.02)
2 of the cameras suffer from the (almost double) battery drain issue. The 3rd one doesn't. (Sony deny this is an issue so youre stuck with it if it happens to you)

Many other people have updated to fw2.02 without issues or do not use the camera in a way that would expose the battery drain issue so the above is just a risk.
Hi, Do you know where I can find the link to download versions 1.32 and 1.35? They are not available on the Sony website.
Sony has a different website structure: Go to the high level "Support" menu page and navigate down to ILCE-1 where you find the firmware. If you downloed 2.01 it will come together with 1.35 which you have to do first before going to 2.01. Latest firmware by the way is 2.02.

Huge difference for Mac M users as you need version 2.01 to be able to download new firmware via memory card and can forget all the hustle with Mac safety changes etc. Made a world of a difference for me. Never had an issue with Wifi not working or anything else.