Sony Teles

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A while back I thought there was mention about new Sony teleconveeters, but I don't think I've seen any announcements. I'd like to get a 1.4x for this season but obviously would wait if you are aware of new ones.

I would use this with the 200-600 on my A1. I believe there are mixed reviews using teles on the 200-600, but I can't swing for the 600/f4 to put a tele on.

Again, many thanks! I'm grateful there are still some Sony users here.
I heard the same, but nothing at all for a date. If it's any help I follow this user on Flickr who uses an original A9 with the 1.4tc and a 200-600 I am constantly blown away by the feather detail he gets from his images. My thoughts are he has a lot more dof at f9, A9's stacked sensor, and at 840mm gets more pixels on the bird. However, you do need good light: You can view his images here:
I heard the same, but nothing at all for a date. If it's any help I follow this user on Flickr who uses an original A9 with the 1.4tc and a 200-600 I am constantly blown away by the feather detail he gets from his images. My thoughts are he has a lot more dof at f9, A9's stacked sensor, and at 840mm gets more pixels on the bird. However, you do need good light: You can view his images here:
Wow! Amazing! Thank you for sharing @Marcus!