South Africa Safari Kit List

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Supporting Member
The postings of gear for trips seem to produce some interest and comment - here's my contribution :)
On Sunday morning I'm meeting my son in Johannesburg (he's coming from Australia while I fly from the UK). We will spend 3 days self driving in the Kruger and 4 at Mala Mala in the Sabi Sands - sightings in the Kruger will tend to be distant and those at Mala Mala can be close.

He will be bringing a D500 and Tamron 100-400 plus Nikon 10-20.

I have a carry on allowance of 2 x 8kg and have a plan for our internal flight of carrying my most valuable camera / lens around my neck and gate checking the rest in a single bag (I've done it before and it has been secure). My planned kit:
Z9 and Z6ii
Z 24-70 f/4
Z 20 f/1.8 (in the hope of some night sky photography)
Z 100-400
PF 500
1.4 TCs for both Z and F mount, FTZ.

My primary set up will be Z9 + 100-400 + TC, Z9 + 20 at night.
Z6ii with 24-70 for environmental shots (and as a back-up body for both son and me).

PF 500 +/-TC for use in the Kruger for more distant sightings (I'm aware of the atmospheric issues with heat and dust).

Also it is likely that the boy will get to play with the 500 for a good deal of the time - who knows he may end up taking it back to Australia by accident making it necessary for me to get a Z600 PF on my return........
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