Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk - Adult & Juvie

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Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk, Melierax canorus, Bleeksingvalk, Weißbürzel-Singhabicht, Heller Grauflügelhabicht, Açor-cantor-pálido, Autour chanteur, Zanghavik,
There is a cousin in East Africa, hence ours are the Southern PCG. They also have another cousin in the eastern part of the country, the Dark Chanting Goshawk. Then we also have the African Goshawk and the Gabar Goshawk. We have 71 raptor species recorded in our region, not counting the 12 owl spesies and 7 night jars species. That said, some of them are nearly impossible to find!
The SPCG starts out as a dull brownish bird and at about 9 months it molds and looks mottled brown-grey before it dons the nice grey suit!
Adult ~ D600; 200-400 F/4; F/8; 1/320; ISO 640

D600 10467W.jpg
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Juvie~ D600; 200-400 F/4; F/7.1; 1/640; ISO 800

D600 10863W.jpg
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Great images (as always) Callie. I would have cloned out that bug in the second one though ... had I ever managed to get such a lovely image.

I love the pose of the juvenile - almost Meerkat-like :)