Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk ~ Juvie only

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Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk, Melierax canorus, Bleeksingvalk, Weißbürzel-Singhabicht, Heller Grauflügelhabicht, Açor-cantor-pálido, Autour chanteur, Zanghavik,
All images Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Drinking from water ponded in the road. ~ D4; 600 F/4; F/8; 1/1600; ISO 200

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A little bit of attitude, but we love it! ~ D4; 600 F/4; F/8; 1/1600; ISO 200

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Then, he finished drinking, actually, another car scared him off ! ~ D4; 600 F/4; F/8; 1/1600; ISO 280

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One the wing ~ D4; 600 F/4; F/8; 1/1600; ISO 280

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And finally, leaving my panning window ~ D4; 600 F/4; F/8; 1/1600; ISO 200 There are 9 frames between #3 & #5
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Love them Callie, quite an unusual setting for a raptor shot, up to its ankles in water...all adds a little je ne sais quoi!! Then the in-flight shots - super.
Love them Callie, quite an unusual setting for a raptor shot, up to its ankles in water...all adds a little je ne sais quoi!! Then the in-flight shots - super.
My French is non-existent - I had to Google - I do not know what
Where I grew-up, we only tried to speak English in self-defense, it was the 3rd language, French was something the the Huguenots brought to SA late 1600's and all that was left over were a few surnames! ;) Now, for a phonetic language user, enough, so the unpronounceable French is beyond my ken! Later in life, we use to joke and say that French is a disease of the nose while Afrikaans is a disease of the throat! One nasal, one guttural!