Spotted Eagle-Owl, Bubo africanus, Rufous morph

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Spotted Eagle-Owl, Bubo africanus, Gevlekte Ooruil ~ Kgaklagadi Transfrontier Park, There are two morphs, a grayish and a rufous. This is the rufous morph and the eye is not yellow, but orange.
D4W 2088.jpg
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A great and wonderfully "crisp" series of owl pics Callie--- you are very fortunate to have such a selection of these wonderful birds in the region !
Really nice.
Thanks. I was busy uploading when my internet konked out and we went into 4.5 h load shedding. That means no power whatsoever. Still had some owls to upload.
We have 12 owl species in SA. I have seen 11 in the wild. Need photographs of two more to have all of them on film, er, digital!
Thanks. I was busy uploading when my internet konked out and we went into 4.5 h load shedding. That means no power whatsoever. Still had some owls to upload.
We have 12 owl species in SA. I have seen 11 in the wild. Need photographs of two more to have all of them on film, er, digital!
Good luck I hope you get them all. Loved the Owl pictures, not quite so many species here in the UK...unfortunately.
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