Spring is coming to Bombay Hook

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This is my first sighting of Tree Swallows at Bombay Hook this year. It was the only pair I spotted arriving early to claim their summer home.
This was done with pre-release, my second time trying this type of shooting. I had to change lenses from the 800 to the Sigma 160-600 Sport in order to get a shorter focal length. Except for the weight the Sigma Sport zoom is still a solid performer. I've been committed to getting the Nikon 200-600 but I am getting so frustrated with the long long long long wait that I just may keep using this lens and getting a second Z9. I feel I will like to mix some pre-release in with all my outings when opportunities arise. Switching lenses is not ideal, the opportunities are fleeting. If I decide to do more pre-release I may just get a second body.
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Very Cool image! I think alot of people are waiting what cameras / lenses are in the announcement later this month. Well done!

This kind of sequence is not easy to do. Very well managed here, with beautiful successive positions of the bird 👏
Thank you both. The prerelease capability adds a new avenue to explore. Ideally it would be nice to have this capability with raw files - perhaps a feature of coing cameras.