Steve on Matt Kloskowski’s podcast

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I recently subscribed to Matt Kloskowski‘s podcast and checking if he had any recent ones available, found that he posted an interview with our favorite wildlife photography guru Steve Perry. The topic is Spray and Pray tactics. Good listen as you would expect. The link will take you to Matt’s web page with a video of the podcast as well as links to the podcast themselves.
Just getting to listen/watch it on YouTube. Great interview! I am a big fan of high FPS. Also something I learned back in my photojournalist days and shooting sports for example is shoot through the play. Sometimes a unique moment happens after most have stopped shooting.

In a recent trip shooting bald eagles I shot an eagle grabbing a fish with another eagle hot on his trail. The reality is the catch wasn't going to be a keeper as it was a tail facing shot however once the eagle got airborne it did a roll and look back holding the fish. I was the only person who shot through the moment and got the action. No one else had their eye to the camera.

Shoot in the moment and edit at home.