Question: Do you use UV filters on your lens?
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Never. A waste of money, and potentially bad for your IQ. Check out Steve’s video on the subject (search YouTube)Question: Do you use UV filters on your lens?
Have you checked this out:Question: Do you use UV filters on your lens?
Perhaps being pedantic, UV filters ceased to be "UV prevention" relevant to colour film in the 1980's and to B&W film in the 1990's when the emulsions (las with digital sensors) became impervious to UV light degradation.UV filters, no never...they're only relevant if shooting film.
Not as a general rule on any lens — except when at high altitude or together with an IR (cut) filter in hot dusty locations. I use protectors on most glassQuestion: Do you use UV filters on your lens?
Visions of cleaning marks swirl around my mind!The coating on the front lens elements today is much better than it was 50 years ago when some of us started shooting but some habits die hard.