Stillwater gorge video

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I was reminded of a video I produced a couple of years ago by a post of another member here on bcg.

I have been using a relatively cheap (around $300) action camera (insta 360 3x) for walking videos. It has great image stabilization and mounts on a photo stick that cannot be seen in the 360 view. The 360 allows you to pick the composition after the fact in editing as it videos a full 360 degrees. Here is a video I made, to entertain the grandchildren, walking with it on a photo stick after the trail in the Stillwater gorge was washed out
There is a little glare in this video because I forgot to wipe the lens before taking the video but the quality of it's video is really very good. Anyway it has been a lot of fun using this camera and is a good piece of equipment to use to teach grandkids about video and photography. I hope I haven't posted this before but with the current status of my memory I might have. Sorry if I did.
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