Straited Fieldwren displaying

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
Supporting Member
This Striated Fieldwren was displaying on the top of some Bracken Fern, amazing to watch the bird move so fast.
The speed of change is very quick as this sequence was taken at 10 fps.

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Thanks everyone for your kind words.
When I see activity like this I always try to get a shot or two, in this case there are 69 in the sequence as the bird sings, wags its tail side to side for 30 seconds or so.
I also worry that as the bird normally does this in dark overcast weather whenever I have seen the display that I cannot seem to get a nicely lit shot.
This shot is from the end of the display with the bird disappearing into the bracken ferns it lives in and around.
Very noisy, not too sharp but you can get the idea?

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Thanks everyone for your kind words.
When I see activity like this I always try to get a shot or two, in this case there are 69 in the sequence as the bird sings, wags its tail side to side for 30 seconds or so.
I also worry that as the bird normally does this in dark overcast weather whenever I have seen the display that I cannot seem to get a nicely lit shot.
This shot is from the end of the display with the bird disappearing into the bracken ferns it lives in and around.
Very noisy, not too sharp but you can get the idea?

View attachment 7892
Cracking little bird luv the breaking mechanism, cool shooting sound byte.