Suggestion for CPL

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Hi Steeve and everybody, Please suggest me a moderate CPL and ND 100 filter (in terms of price and performance) that I would like to procure for landscape photography in different lighting situations. I live in India and often use Sigma 17-70 mm f 2.8-4 lens with Nikon D7500 Thank you.
B&W makes excellent filters and some of the higher end Hoyas are nice as well. I personally really like my Nikon polarizers too - in fact, that's the main filter I use. They are really good.
B&W makes excellent filters and some of the higher end Hoyas are nice as well. I personally really like my Nikon polarizers too - in fact, that's the main filter I use. They are really good.
Thank you Steeve for replying so fast. This will certainly help me procuring the concerned items.
Steve, have you had any issues with the aluminum frame on the Nikon CP? Are you using the Nikon CP II? Research seems to push the reader to brass frames are better.

Last time I used a CP was back in the 70's. Technology has changed obviously. It seems most CPs are good for haze, reflections and not so much on color and saturation. I've been thinking of ND filters to use with CP to the saturation I'm looking for. Is this overkill?
I used to like the Nikon CPL's until I had one that de-laminated. Not sure why, never got it wet. I've since switched to Breakthrough and haven't looked back. They have a lifetime warranty and don't seem to stick to the lens as bad as the B+W filters.
Steve, have you had any issues with the aluminum frame on the Nikon CP? Are you using the Nikon CP II? Research seems to push the reader to brass frames are better.

Last time I used a CP was back in the 70's. Technology has changed obviously. It seems most CPs are good for haze, reflections and not so much on color and saturation. I've been thinking of ND filters to use with CP to the saturation I'm looking for. Is this overkill?
Nope, not really. I've been pretty happy with them.