Super Telephoto F4 Lens Use

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I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field.
I use my 400 f/2.8 TC almost every time I go out birding (about once a week). I chose the 400 TC over the 600 TC because of the size and additional weight of the 600. I also travel internationally with the 400 w/o any issues, or at least w/o any additional issues than a smaller lens would bring. The 400 performs extremely well with both the 2.0 and 1.4 external Z mount TCs.

I’m in my 70’s and keep going to the gym on a regular basis. It helps…!
I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field.
For many years a 600mm f/4 was my go-to wildlife lens and I probably shot nearly 90% of my wildlife images with that lens (often with a 1.4TC) and the rest with somewhat shorter focal length lenses when the wildlife was both large and relatively close or when I wanted more of a wildlife on the landscape look.

That changed when I got the 500mm PF as it's just so much fun to shoot nimble and fast, handheld with the light lens. These days I shoot the 600mm f/4 for most of what I consider 'serious' wildlife work days. Those are days or trips when I go to a reliable target rich area and plan photography as my only activity. That means I'll carry the big tripod, get up before dawn, often work till after sunset and am shooting somewhere where I can reliably expect to find wildlife.

For more casual days where I might go for a walk in good habitat or go hiking but still want a wildlife kit with me or for trips where I combine some family stuff, hiking and wildlife work I'll carry lighter handheld gear.

I haven't kept any hard data but I'd guess I carry the light gear around quite a bit and only do the more serious work with the bigger gear maybe thirty or so days a year. When I was shooting commercially I'd probably have a hundred plus days a year with the big glass but these days it's a lot less. To me it's still worth owning a 600mm f/4 but it's a tougher decision with the crop of great lightweight hand holdable long lenses out there these days.
I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field.

I use it whenever I go out to do wildlife photography. BUT, I live an hour and a half from Yellowstone. And before we moved out here, I lived a half hour from Circle B and an hour from Joe Overstreet. So, I've always had wildlife nearby to photograph. If I lived somewhere with nothing nearby to use it on, I might be tempted to rent instead for wildlife trips.
For me, the vast majority of my shots are with big glass. Back in DSLR days it was the 600f4 and 800f5.6. Now it's the 400TC and 600TC. However for most of that work I'm using a monopod. So while I'm hiking it's on my shoulder and doesn't take a ton of strength, and when I'm shooting, the weight is on the monopod, so doesn't take much. I'm nimble-ish with this setup, but obviously not as much as hand-held.

However, recently I've been doing a bit more where I do need to be even more nimble and for that I've been using my 800PF more. And because I want to be sure I have the muscle-memory down pat hand-holding the 800, I've been taking out the 800 even for hikes where I would normally take either the the 400TC or 600TC. Maybe it's because I'm used to toting larger/heavier glass, but I still do a double-take almost every time I pick up my 800PF, thinking I must have the wrong lens on. And while one of my z9 is in for maintenance, I'm only going out with a single body and 2 lenses - the 800 on the camera and the 24-120 in a pocket. It's honestly been pretty nice feeling a lot more light and "carefree".
I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field.
Quite simply the Sony 600 f/4 is my bread and butter lens that I use 95% of the time as a bird photographer. The Sony is the lightest 600 f/4 on the market and I can easily hand hold it for moderate amounts of time. If you're not a Sony shooter the weight may be tougher to handle for long periods.
I own a 400f2.8, 600f4, 100-400 and 200-600. My 600f4 is my work horse and I likely shoot it 90% of the time. I could easily sell everything but the 600 and a TC and I wouldn’t miss much.

I guess if I was you I’d be asking myself at this point in life what do I want to gain in my photography that an investment in a 600f4 would get me? Only you can answer that question.

Of the lenses I listed above my 200-600 would be first to sell, than my 400f2.8, than the 100-400 and my beloved 600f4 would be last.
Previously I had the F-mount 600mm f4 FL (8.4#'s), and an earlier version (11#'s). They were large, heavy, and awkward to use. I used mine exclusively with a tripod/gimbal, and in close proximity to my vehicle. I find the 600TC is very different. I weights less (7.2 #'s), also it is better balanced with the Z9 attached. I carry it around in a Tamrac Anvil 25 pack. Using Gitzo series 4 monopod, with an RRS MH-001 head for a walking stick. The lens is light enough, and balanced so that I can drop the pack lift the camera/lens combo out with one hand while holding the monopod with the other hand, place the lens on the monopod & tighten the clamp. Easy without any effort. Keeping the original Nikon hood, I can hold the monopod/camera with one hand using two fingers on the other hand loosen the knob flip the hood around reinstall it effortlessly. I would never have done this with my two previous 600 F4's. I hike/walk all the time with it. Depending on the situation when it comes time to move on I'll either carry it on the monopod, or put it back in the pack. Usually that depends on the terrain. I was hiking with a photographer carrying a Nikon 200-400 f4/camera on a monopod over his shoulder. He caught his foot on something and fell forward launching the camera/lens/monopod as he went down. It wasn't a pretty sight. The benefit of being able to switch between 600mm & 840 mm with the flick of your finger cannot be overstated. I can shoot it hand held for a few minutes, a very few. Possible in an emergency situation, not something I would ever expect to do. As far as traveling with it, I can't answer your question. In the US, and Canada I always drive. I no longer go overseas.
I try to force myself to use them as much as possible.

The new Z models are significantly lighter weight than their predecessors, but they are still up there in size and weight.

The 400TC is noticeably smaller/lighter than the 600TC. I also find the 400TC can do everything the 600TC can do, but not the other way around. For those reasons, I chose to sell my 600TC.

The 400TC is super easy to travel via air, and will fit in just about every 35L bag out there. the 600TC requires more decision making in order to make it fit.

With a Peak Design sling, I can carry the 400TC all day everyday without issue. If I'm trying to handhold shoot it, I can usually do a couple of minutes between rest sets. I do often prefer to take a 400 4.5, 600PF, or 800PF out if I am not "serious" about photography that day. I will usually scout new locations with one of the lighter lenses, and then return to the spot with a tripod and the 400TC if I deem it worth it to do so.
I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field.
My wife and I are birders. We go out frequently. I’m 79. I used a 500 mm f/4e with a tc 1.4 for years on both a D850 and then a Z9, often on a monopod and occasionally hand held when operating out of a car. For the last few months I switched to a 600tc. I often have a z100-400 mounted on a z8 as a backup. I use the z9 and 600tc almost all the time.
Until a month ago the 600 GM might as well have been my one-and-only lens. I used it several times /week since late 2019, hand-held, tripod, long hikes, whatever. What changed is that I'm now 71 years old and lots of my photo equipment has put on weight, and hiking with the 600 GM isn't as fun it once was. The 300 GM with TCs has taken the place of the 600 GM for hikes.
All I've shot (wildlife which at the moment is about 99% of my shooting) since the arrival of my 600 f4 is that lens. And I've yet to shoot with it on a tripod or monopod. And I hike with it for hours (made easy by the cotton carrier vest). Hope to put it to use this summer for action portraits (cycling and skateboarding) as well.
Up until I got the 800pf, I used my 600E with 1.4tc all the time (every weekend). Mostly I'd be hand holding, sometimes on a tripod if the subject was relatively static. I have the quick release on the gimbal for fast changes. I still have the 600E and use it from time to time if shooting a dslr but not like I used to.
I have the 400 TC 2.8 that gets used the most often of any of my lenses for wildlife, more than half of my images. I had no problems traveling by air with it. I can hand hold for sevceral minutes at a time. It allows shooting earlier and later in the day than my other choices. For larger mammals and for "animalscapes", I have a 70-200 f/2.8 and an adapted 300 mm PF that allow shooting at f/4. The 400 mm is too heavy for me to hike very far. I recently sold my 100-400 mm Z mount lens and replaced it with a Tamron 150-500. The smaller aperture is limiting but it can go with me to more places, especially if I am moving around.
During last year Air show season I was using F version of 500mm/F4 lens most of the time on my Z9, with results better than Z 800mm PF and Z 100-400S.

I have so far no statistics of using the newly acquired Z 600/F6.3 PF.
(I have even thought about selling all the three mentioned above and buying the part of Steve's arm as my primary lens)
I have an older 600mm f4 G VR, which I probably use ~20% of the time/once every couple of weeks, mainly when I walk to a specific spot ~1 mile from where I live (an RSPB viewing platform to be precise). I mostly use the 500pf on a day-to-day basis as it's much easier to carry around (I tend to walk in excess of 5 miles with the pf) + no need for a tripod etc. I must say, however, that I prefer the rendering of the 600f4, not to mention the extra stop of light!
I have a simple question for all of you who own big F2.8 to F4 telephotos (and by big telephotos, I’m referring to 500mm or larger): how often do you actually use them? The reason for my question is because I’ve been weighing getting a 600mm f4 lens, but because of its size and weight, I wonder how often I’d actually use it. For me, when in the field, portability is paramount, and as I age my ability to handle big glass for long periods of time is diminishing. Travel by air also has its baggage restrictions. While I completely understand the advantages of fast glass, I also hesitate to spend $15k+ on something that I might end up keeping on the shelf more often than I should because of its unwieldy size. I realize the answer to this question varies by individual situation and ability, but I’d be curious to know just how frequently you actually schlepp your big f4 lenses into the field
I realize your original post was about the 600 tc the 400 tc is smaller easier to manage, provided you have subject for it. Here is Matt Grangers take on it.
