Surrounded by flowers....

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This very large African elephant was sure enjoying eating the tender blooming plants in the middle of the Chobe River! What a beautiful sight! We spent a long time just watching and photographing him!

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Beautiful Karen!

Excellent image and you have chosen the composition that really compliments the subject. What an experience to witness this type of behavior.

This is really an excellent image, Karen. I agree with Louie in that you chose a good composition. Nice job.

Wow, that is beautiful! So much to like! Quite different.

Lovely composition. An intimate glimpse.

Beautiful Photo as so many others have commented on the composition and a perfect setting.

wow! that is a stellar picture!!


Absolutely amazing image. The composition is breathtaking.

That's quite the photo
I appreciate that each of you took the time to comment and let me know what you liked about the image. Thank you so much for commenting!
This very large African elephant was sure enjoying eating the tender blooming plants in the middle of the Chobe River! What a beautiful sight! We spent a long time just watching and photographing him!

View attachment 41306
Just Damn...excellent image Karen, Nailed the exposure with plenty of detail and contrast within that dark skin in contrast to the brilliant whites and greens of the little flowers. No complaints here either with the on. Think you've got the hang of the Z9. Really well done and one of your best.