Tawny Frogmouths......

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These guys have taken up residence near my home in Victoria. They do a great job of blending into their environment, by appearing to mimic a broken tree branch.
A lot of people confuse them with Owls, but they are more closely related to the Nightjar family.

Tawny Frogmouths.jpeg
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Tawny Frogmouth..jpeg
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The 2 in the photo I posted were part of a family of 3.
While they were around I got about 80 shots of them over a number of days.
Hi Stevie. Thanks for your comment.
Yes, they are nocturnal. They spend the daylight hours sleeping on a tree branch trying to blend in to the surroundings. Mother nature has provided them with feathers that resembles tree bark. They can be hard to find.