TC brands. Kenko vs Nikon

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I have done a comparison (Nikon D500 and 500 mm PF) using 1.4 TC and just cropping the image (without TC) and can see no major difference. If anything, the cropped image is marginally sharper.
My question is: I am using a Kenko 1.4 TC (it was a lot cheaper). Would the Nikon 1.4 TC be significantly better?
I had a Kenko years ago and wasn't very impressed. The Nikon 1.4 is really good and while you will lose a touch of sharpness with it, it's minimal. So, although I don't have a direct comparison, if I were a betting man, I'd say the Nikon would be noticeably sharper.
I had a Kenko years ago and wasn't very impressed. The Nikon 1.4 is really good and while you will lose a touch of sharpness with it, it's minimal. So, although I don't have a direct comparison, if I were a betting man, I'd say the Nikon would be noticeably sharper.
Thanks heaps Steve. I was hoping that might be the case. Love your Wildlife book, BTW.
Rent the Nikon 1.4 and compare it with your Kenko. I have the latest Kenko and I have rented the Nikon 1.4 for a few trips to Yellowstone and the Tetons. When I have both in my possession I have compared them on my Nikkor 200-500 and I don’t see enough difference to bring the Nikon to the top of my spend $500 list. I would expect the 500 PF to be sharper than my 200-500 and you might see a noticeable difference.

You might consider renting one and testing it. If you haven’t signed up for an account on some of the equipment rental sites do so and then wait for the coupons!
My experience is if I start with good glass and enough ppixels then the 1.4 doesn't gain you much. I compared the Kenko to the Nikon to none at all. Basically I enlarged each version on the screen to the same image size and visually compared them. The Nikon was the better of the two TC's by far however the image without either and just enlarged more was so close, and I mean really really close, in quality that loosing that 1 stop is not worth it and I have since sold both TC's. Plus I believe if you use the D850 with NO TC your image would still be better without one.

MartyD has a good suggestion also.

My test was done with the D500 and 200-500 zoom set at 500. The shot was at 75 yards of a brick wall in full sunlight at approx a 60 degree angle giving the subject just enough shadow. Lens set for 5.6 on all shots.

That's just my opinion that Ive'd repeated several times.