Teenage Tantrum ~ Elephant behaviour

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We were sitting at Sewni Hide In central Kruger NP when a small herd of elephant came down to drink. They stayed a bit and then the matriarch decided it was time to go. The whole herd turned around and followed her but this teenager was not done with the water. He showed his displeasure by tramping the water, rushing up and down and even letting go with a teenage trumpet. Kicking water seems to be an ellie way of showing displeasure as we have often seen it repeated. He later also tussled a bit with an older bull, and when calmed down, both followed the herd.
D300; 200-400 F/4; f/13; 1/640; ISO 640; -1.3 EV. @Oztours I did a B&W for you. Nik Silver Efex Pro and then I masked it and revealed some of the ellie's colour.
00638 16X10,6W D3OO 1432.jpg
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00639 16X10,6 W B&W D3OO 1432.jpg
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Boys will be boys and us humans kick things just the same. We must share a kick things wen annoyed gene. I use Silver Efex as well on ellies but really I struggle to get what I want. Great moment captured.
Boys will be boys and us humans kick things just the same. We must share a kick things wen annoyed gene. I use Silver Efex as well on ellies but really I struggle to get what I want. Great moment captured.
I have never used it before. Tried it this am. I also cannot see B&W so normally do not do it. But ellies can work.
Love your gene metafoor